Proposal by Rocio Amaya for DBXTalk on NativeBoost

Proposed by Rocio Amaya (profile, biography)

How will I do that project

  • I will spend 20 hours per week.

  • I will get in touch with my mentor periodically for us to review progress, define next steps and discuss the best way to tackle the tasks of each iteration

  • I will inform the community each milestone reached (surely using the mailing list)  

  • I write documentation for Those who use this project, an initial mode will be available one informal documentation through a blog which will be updated as progress is made in development. And at the end of it, generate a synthetic formal documentation

What methodologies will I use

I will organize the work in small iterations (1 week or 2 weeks).         

By completing a goal to have retrospective for the mentor analyze progress and discuss between them the steps.

Perform relevant tests in each iteration to ensure quality and proper operation of the features

Suggested timeline and milestones

Before the start of the stage of development

1) Get familiar with NativeBoost, talkFFi and DBXtalk.

2) Preparing development environment.


During the development stage:

1) Backward compatibility (openDBX)

2)Contents bindings: I will implement gradually bindings, a database at a time






Item across)Aspects that will be present in all the iterations.


Rerform documentation

Where I see the risks

I see it as a risk difficulty understanding how the tools work, lack of information and verify the correct operation of the bindings on all platforms. The sayings, can be overcome with the help of the community and my mentor.

How the results will look like

The expected result is a tool to make more convenient the management of relational database within a development project. What we can rescue it first, which depend DBXTalk NativeBoost and no longer the old openDBX or FFI, and second is that you can access each library's own features! :)



Updated: 1.5.2013